Google Meter Helps Users’ Phone Habits
Today’s operating systems themselves come with a variety of new features that complement hardware upgrades and enhance user experience even the more. Meter, a project from Google’s Creative Lab, will tell you when you might want to charge your device or use cellular instead of Wi-Fi.
As you can see in the screenshots above, the live wallpaper displays information like battery level, wireless signal and notifications in a visually pleasing way.
While folks over on iOS will be enjoying animations and other offerings from Apple courtesy of live wallpapers, those using Android will have found a way to efficiently view their device’s performance figures and statistics. That’s where Meter comes in, a live wallpaper made by Google that provides useful info information without tagging your screen in ugly widgets. Each shape will represent a different usage statistic as well.
Google releases a new Android to reveal data about battery life, Wi-Fi connectivity, and more. Also, they all respond to the tilting of your device for a few added phone – the battery one reminds me a lot of calibrating the iPhone’s compass app.
With the addition of Meter, Google Creative Lab now offers five apps in total including Photowall for Chromecast, Tunnel Vision, Landmarker, and Lip Swap.