In essence, the company said it is telling customers it is not interested in their personal data, even as it must use more of that data to deliver personalized products.
The Eagles got a few good news Wednesday. However, it was later reported that Alonso suffered a partial-but not full-ACL tear and traveled to Florida to get a second opinion for Dr. James Andrews early this week.
But controversial former Fulham boss Felix Magath told him to wait for Pep Guardiola to leave Bayern Munich. “Guardiola still refuses to make a decision on his future and I am sure the people in charge at Bayern are looking at alternatives”.
“NAND Flash is now so cheap it’s nearly irrelevant, but Apple monetizes this difference with consumers, to the tune of $100 for each additional step up in memory capacity”, Rassweiler said. Apple chose to leave out this bit when it launched the smartphone.
Justin and Michael duked it out, and while we won’t spoil it for you by telling you who won, we will leave Complex’s 15-minute video documenting Michael’s preparations for the rematch and the rematch itself here for your viewing.