“The Upland Police Department is proud to work in a collaborative partnership with Reach Out to provide a free community service to safely dispose of unused prescription drugs and other over the counter medications”, Police Chief Brian P. Johnson said in a statement....
Scott Lattin, a disabled veteran, told Whitney police on September 8 someone tagged his truck with “Black Lives Matter” and other graffiti because he displayed pro-police messages and symbols on his pickup.
When asked whether he’d ever consider going back to any of his old films and using fresh technology on the effects in them, he said that “first of all, they wouldn’t let me”. This time, however, the rumor comes from a semi reliable (?) source.
The Slovenian authorities on Friday registered more than 1000 refugees that had entered the country while more than 700 were still at the Obrezje border crossing, 20 kilometres east of the Croatian capital Zagreb, waiting to be allowed in.
The store is also re-opening with a new collection of Apple-branded merchandise including clothing, mugs, and other collectibles that are only available at the company store.
Jason Thomas of Red Wing, one of the counterprotesters, said he objected to disrupting transit service for “a lot of innocent families just trying to enjoy the game” who “have nothing to do with Metro Transit”.