A Phoenix police officer was shot and seriously injured early Wednesday while making a traffic stop, and the shooter or shooters are on the loose, city police said.
Black holes are already scary enough, but what would happen if two of them collided into each other? Specialists have calculated that the two space giants will embrace each other in around 100,000 years, unleashing a death wave throughout time and space and that might test the...
It did not immediately provide any other comment. But after the NYT confronted him with information that showed he had not been working in the World Trade Center that day – nor for Merrill Lynch, with whom he claimed to be employed – Rannazzissi admitted that he had...
Same sex marriage is now legal everywhere in the United Kingdom except Northern Ireland, so there’s pressure on the government to act, especially after the rest of Ireland’s referendum victory recently.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II harshly denounced the Israeli incursions, warning that “continued Israeli provocations in Jerusalem threaten to affect Jordan-Israel relations”.
A disturbing video appears to show several San Francisco 49ers fans beating up a Vikings fan after Monday night’s game in San Francisco, according to a report from WCCO.
A third roommate, a man, was shot four to six times. At some point during the struggle, Washington arms himself with a knife and says, ‘Look man, we can’t be doing this.
The latest images that are taken by the NASA’s show the views of the people in the majestic icy mountains, streams of frozen nitrogen and hunting low-lying hazes. And that’s saying a lot, because the courageous spacecraft has also sent back some truly spectacular...
But they have little choice after Hungary sealed off its southern border with Serbia on Tuesday and began arresting anyone caught trying to enter the country illegally.
Went all day, shot, felt great, and I was waiting to get to go to this dinner and I get there and I ordered pasta, we had pizza, dessert and it all comes to the table and I just stared at it, and I couldn’t eat it.