Last week, 18-year-old high school senior Brianna Popour was sent home from Chesnee High School in South Carolina for wearing a T-shirt with a slogan that one administrator deemed disruptive and distracting: “Nobody Knows I’m a Lesbian”.
Ahmed said the principal claimed his clock looked like a “movie bomb”. Initially who was arrested for all wrong reasons is now high acclaimed by the people across the globe. The response to the punishment has been widespread and vocal – and now President Obama...
Now, thanks to sources for Android Authority, we have what is perhaps our most comprehensive look yet… Besides some third-party pre-loaded apps, a couple really interesting widgets, and a few tricks here and there, this looks to be pretty much vanilla Android – stock...
On Monday, Ahmed showed the clock to his engineering teacher and then another teacher after the clock, which was in his backpack, beeped during class. That teacher told him that it looked like a bomb, the newspaper reported.
Reuters reporters saw hundreds of migrants, some of whom identified themselves as Iraqis, trek through fields near the official Sid border crossing between Serbia and its fellow former Yugoslav republic, since 2013 a member of the EU.
Vulin visited on Tuesday the border crossing Horgos 1 which was closed today by Hungarian authorities, and said that it was undertaken “without notifying Serbian authorities” and that this created a problem with refugees from the Middle East who keep arriving at the...