Health department reports West Nile case
So far this year, no human cases have been confirmed in the state, but 31 counties have detected virus activity.
Garcia said state officials are also looking into a possible second case of the West Nile Virus, this one non-fatal, but added he could only confirm it involved a Kleberg County resident.
The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District in Ramsey County announced that West Nile virus has returned to Minnesota. Discarded tires should be kept at one place.
“Birdbaths, the little tubs that are underneath plants, even a cap full of water”.
· Clean vegetation and debris from the edges of ponds and keep shrubs and grass trimmed.
Fortunately, swimming pools and fishponds with circulating water are usually not a problem.
· Drain water from pool covers. West Nile virus symptoms include (in addition to fever) nausea, headache, and muscle aches.
West Nile Virus is a concern each summer, but most people who get West Nile never know they’ve been infected.
If you think you’re seeing more mosquitoes than usual this year, you’re probably right. Health officials recommend a few simple precautions to reduce your chances of getting mosquito bites, such as staying indoors around dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active, using insect repellent when spending time outdoors, and wearing long sleeves and trousers when mosquitoes are active. Make sure you use follow the directions on the product labels. Fix or replace screens with tears or holes.
The batch collected tested positive for West Nile virus, according to a Health Department press release.
The last time someone tested positive for West Nile virus in Ohio was August 2013, according to the state. Residents are encouraged to take a photograph of any bird in question.
Lab assistants at the Benton County Mosquito Control Building spend their day sorting mosquitoes.
The West Nile Virus displays symptoms very similar to the flu. They say that with the reduction of sources of water for birds and mosquitoes, they are coming into closer contact with humans and amplifying the transmission of the virus.