Hillary Clinton defeats everyone but Carson and Rubio in newest CNN poll
In several recent polls, Trump has pulled ahead.
Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman, is considered to be a promising candidate for the presidential elections, giving tough competition to another hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump has opened up a commanding lead over his Republican rivals in the heated race to emerge as the party’s official standard-bearer in the 2016 run for the White House. Ben Carson is third with 14 percent, and no other candidate scored more than 4 percent.
Jeb Bush, the former Florida Governor and once highly rated, has dropped to less than five per cent and has support of now just three per cent of those who participated in the poll.
However, the CNN poll now has Clinton losing to Ben Carson, with Clinton at 47 percent support compared to 50 percent for Carson.
“Republican voters are most sharply divided by education”. Marco Rubio with 12 %.This marks Trump’s highest support & widest direct since he 1st formally announced his candidacy. According to Silver, in 2012 the CNN/ORC polls had an average error of 1.8 points, and slightly favored Republican candidates by 0.6 points.
The poll found that 36 percent of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support Trump, up from 27 percent in a poll conducted in October.
“In every category, practically, Trump is in first or second place”. Rand Paul of Kentucky fell by four points to one percent, reported The Washington Times.
Among college graduates, Cruz is in the lead at 22 percent, Carson and Rubio tied at 19 percent and Trump is at 18 percent.
The poll finds Clinton widely seen as better able to handle matters of foreign policy than Sanders, an advantage that has likely helped the former secretary of state as global affairs and national security have gained prominence in the presidential campaign.
His nearest competitor, Texas senator Ted Cruz, trails by 20 points.
All of the other candidates garnered less than 5 percent of the GOP vote for the Republican party’s nomation.