Hillary Clinton says she cannot explain why undisclosed e-mails turned up
“I wasn’t that focused on my email account to be clear here”.
In an effort to raise campaign funds for 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, husband and former president Bill Clinton will deliver a keynote address at a reception October. 7 in Bingham Farms.
“I’m not by any means a technical expert”, Clinton said Sunday. Now we know that she didn’t make that determination even after she left the State Department. Bill Clinton will also headline fundraisers in Atlanta and Kansas City later this week and Detroit later in the month, the Associated Press reported Monday. She asked her lawyers to do so. “All of them turned out to be not true”. “Look, I think I have done all that I can to take responsibility, to be as transparent as possible in turning over 55,000 pages, in turning over my server and to testify on October 22″.
But Klein claims, “She had no intention of going to a clinic”, and asked a well-known plastic surgeon to go to her house in Chappaqua, NY, where he set up a “mini operating room in her home with the latest medical equipment”.
None of this will matter when it comes to the way Clinton is covered, and I already have designated a section of my inbox for the complaints that I am carrying her water here.
Meanwhile, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News had news briefs while ABC’s World News Tonight devoted a full story to the dugout fight on Sunday between Washington Nationals teammates Bryce Harper and Jonathan Papelbon in the team’s 12-5 loss to the Philadelphia Phillies.
The State Department said its record of Clinton emails begins on March 18, 2009. Three weeks ago, Kerry wrote to the inspector general of the State Department, requesting a review of records retention practices. It placed that duty squarely on Hillary Clinton. The committee broadened its scope after examining tens of thousands of documents more specifically focused on the Benghazi attack.
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Porter, who had worked with the Arkansas governor on education policy, said he was mystified when Clinton’s memoir came out.
But as Clinton’s position as the front-runner for the nomination continues to erode in preference polling, which still shows her ahead nationally but by not almost as much as she was at the start of the year, that calculation seems to be shifting.
A number of top dignitaries, including Obama, opted to skip the meeting this week, amid increased scrutiny of the foundation’s internal workings and the heated politics of Clinton’s presidential bid. Should the Federal Bureau of Investigation be able to recover her deleted emails, as recent leaks suggest, Mrs. Clinton will have even more questions to answer.