Word is that it will be 10,000 characters, but that’s not set in stone. Sources tell Re/code that developers are playing around with the idea of expanding tweets when you click on them, keeping your timeline looking more or less the same.
The company may soon ditch its iconic 140 character tweet limit in favour of a greatly expanded 10,000 character limit, says the publication, citing multiple unnamed sources within the publicly traded company.
Mexican authorities worked with American agents to find and detain Couch, and he has been handed to immigration officials for deportation to the United States. The change would extend his time on probation.
Twitter is considering of making the 140-character limit for tweets longer-as much as 10,000 characters, according to a report from Re/code based on information from people familiar with the company’s plan. Ten thousand characters is now the allotted maximum for direct...
Tonya Couch is looking at a third-degree felony for accompanying her son to Mexico last month, possibly in violation of the probation he received for a DWI crash that killed four people. In video obtained by CNN, Couch can be seen in handcuffs with us marshals at Los Angeles...
Tonya Couch (left), mother of the Texas teenager derided for his “affluenza” defence in a deadly drunken-driving case, appears in court for her extradition hearing in Los Angeles, California, today.
Because he was portrayed during his December 2013 trial as a immature teen from a wealthy but dysfunctional family – with a passing reference to being a victim of “affluenza” – Ethan Couch’s sentencing became a national news story.
At today’s hearing, Tonya Couch waived her right to fight extradition, meaning she will not be contesting Tarrant County’s request that she be transported to Fort Worth, Texas.
According to Delaney, police received word that there was going to be a delivery of thousands of bags of heroin stamped with the word “Hollywood” into the city Saturday night. According to the Boston Herald, in early November, a unsafe batch of heroin in Haverhill...
It’s even alleged that Facebook went so far as to perform yet another experiment on its customers by testing Android users’ dependency on the app. Reportedly, the company knowingly introduced glitches that would deliberately crash its applications (for long periods of...