House Passes Bill To Strengthen Screen Process For Syrian Refugees
Like some Americans, the monarchs in the Gulf states appear to be suspicious of accepting Muslims who they fear could have a destabilizing effect on their societies. “If you are a terrorist, you definitely do not want to come through the refugee process because you will be caught”.
“Following the tragic events in Paris, I’ve spoken with many Delawareans who have shared their concerns about the Syrian refugee crisis, and particularly the role that DE and our country play in providing homes for the refugees”, Short said in a written statement. DHS officials screen hopeful refugees, who must undergo a thorough security clearance and medical exams before they can be cleared for admission to the U.S. The U.S. costs primarily include government fees to resettlement groups that pay for refugee housing, transportation and other expenses, as well as welfare payments to refugees themselves. The administration sent a letter telling states they would be subject to enforcement action if they do not comply with federal plans to import thousands of refugees to the United States over the next few years.
“We look at the cultural, religious resources, interpreters, faith based organizations…we evaluate employment, housing – if it is affordable – and if the community is able and willing and welcoming of this refugee”, Alba said. At the same time, a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by World Vision found that 71 percent of Americans said they would be willing to help Syrian refugees. And not only is it not smart to turn our backs on all Syrian refugees – most of whom are women and children – it is morally wrong.
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association President Nathan Catura said there is no way to check the backgrounds of incoming Syrians for terrorist activities, and that American war veterans are more deserving of the potential billions of dollars that would be used for the refugee programme.
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would require refugees to be certified by the secretary of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director and the director of national entry before being allowed entry to the Untied States. He appealed everyone to show generosity to the Syrian refugees as men and women of the continent did in helping the Mayflower Pilgrims in 1620 that led to the nation’s founding. “None of them went through the United Nations resettlement process”.
Since the Paris attacks, critics have slammed the president for his decision to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the USA, although a Syrian refugee hasn’t been named a suspect in the killings. Some on Capitol Hill want to further tighten the conditions under which refugees could be admitted. According to the International Refugee Assistance Project, those Iraqi translators are among the 58,000 or more Iraqis who worked with the U.S. They are still awaiting for visa processing.