Hundreds Of Students Gather To Pray At The Pole (With Photo Gallery)
Students at Foothills Community Christian School celebrated the National Day of Student Prayer on Wednesday with its annual “See You At The Pole” event.
“Help us to grow closer to you Lord, however that may happen, on a retreat or in the quiet of our room”, he said.
Jordan Taylor, a senior lineman for the South Side High School football team, has coordinated prayer meetings in the parking lot of the football stadium in the past.
“We prayed for a successful trip for the Pope (Francis)”.
“I think it’s awesome that we can do this every year”, said Raina Lindseth, an 8 grader. The law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990. This is done during the early morning, before school gets started for the day.
“The heart and the desire of those kids to stand out from their peers and pray, it was attractive”, said James Cato, an area director for First Priority of Alabama who was at the Fultondale Elementary this morning as an observer to the student-led prayer event. Students pray before lunch, too. “We have faith that He does respond to our prayers maybe exactly like we’re asking but He does respond to them”.