Hundreds rally in Cincinnati for Black Lives Matter march
Black Lives Matter protests are not an unfamiliar sight for many American cities, but they gained new prominence this week after two Black men were killed by police officers.
James Taylor fears the answer.
Still, many people who become radicalized do so without direct ties to any groups.
And at a Saturday news conference after a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit in Warsaw, Poland, Obama brought up the perpetually fraught issue of gun control, noting that the ubiquity of guns in many American communities contributes to tensions between civilians and police.
The Department of Justice has opened an investigation into Sterling’s death, which has angered many in the black community.
That fact that social media sites are flooded with “Black People get Home Alive” guides is a sad testimony of the relationship between the people who swore to serve and protect and one of the groups they swore to serve and protect.
The Dallas police chief says the gunman, Micah Johnson, had sinister motives for his murder spree.
Black Lives Matter condemned the violence in the Dallas attack, calling it a tragedy not just for those affected but the nation as well.
“I think what is happening is a scab has been ripped off the wound too soon, and all this stuff is gushing out”, she said.
Organizers of the event say they came together in solidarity this afternoon near the front doors of the police department’s headquarters seeking accountability and justice.
One attendee held up a sign reading “I can’t breathe”, a phrase said by Eric Gardner as he struggled with police. In 2014, Politifact responded to a meme saying Obama had given “no special recognition” to law enforcement by pointing out the many times Obama had spoken of the importance of good policing and honored fallen officers. “We thought this was something our parents told us about”.
The embers of racial animus burned in Sacramento last month when white nationalists and leftist protesters waged street fights.
In New York City, protesters and police shared a moment of silence Friday evening at Union Square. But I never hated them. Police say a Molotov cocktail was thrown at officers.
“It’s creating hostility for everyone”, she said.
“I was beaten bloody by police officers”. Dozens were arrested around 11:00 pm when police began pushing a wall of protesters off the Interstate after giving the sixteenth order to vacate the area.
“We’re being demonized”, he said. I don’t encourage it, I don’t condone it, I don’t justify it.
Jordan said black officers, such as himself, have had an extra burden to carry. In Baton Rouge, Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson was released on bond Sunday after being charged with obstructing a highway during a protest there. “You can’t take that stuff personally”.
One case they highlighted at the Police Brutality protest was that of Abde Mohammad, the teenager who was shot by Salt Lake City Police a few months ago.
Not everyone sees doom and gloom for race relations. They are analyzing information in the journal, police said in a statement. “I feel like it’s not enough to just post stuff online any more”, she said.
Even as people streamed into churches in Dallas and other cities and Americans tried to make sense of the past week of violence, demonstrations again were the order of the day.
“You have extremists taking over the conversation on both sides of the political spectrum”, he said. It involves people who share the privilege of whiteness having the courage to play a role in exposing the underlying causes of the situation in our own selves and communities. And a man who killed one person and wounded three others including an officer in Tennessee apparently told investigators he was motivated by the recent killings of black men by police. “Being able to step aside from my pain and acknowledge someone else’s, that is the first step to how we are going to fix this issue”.