IOS 9.0.3 Update: Users Complain About Overheating and Slow Charging
Apple has retained the original model number for all the three products, indicating that it may have modified the Bluetooth stack in iOS 9 or built in new chips without changing the product designators.
Hey, Scribbal readers, we have another late-night jailbreak iOS 9.0.2 update for you… It has even been suggested by a few of the users afflicted by this problem that the bug impacts upon deleted emails in both the sent and trash folders of the main program. If POP email clients receive an error that looks like this: “Not yet downloaded”, then they’re “victims” of an iOS 9 bug.
Among the many problems are the broken notifications. The whole point of notifications is to be alerted in a matter of seconds about important events and information that you’ve chosen.
Users across Apple forums have relentlessly complained on the new issues its brought to their devices. This is an unfortunate bug which will hopefully be fixed in iOS 9.1.
It is early days in the life cycle of iOS 9, but the operating system has nonetheless had a hard existence thus far. This entails that a device running iOS 9.0.2 will be unable to send iMessages to a device with a software version older than iOS 9.0.2. By contrast, in 2014, it took iOS 8 close to six weeks to get past the 50 adoption percent mark, Apple Insider reported.
iOS 9.0.2 is still the most current version of iOS 9 but it will soon be replaced by another update. It’s definitely better than the original iOS 8 and with the quick rollout of fixes from the Cupertino-based company, iOS 9 will most likely be the company’s best software release as of yet. It is not clear at the time of writing weather iOS 9.1 will be able to successfully iron out this issue, or indeed whether Apple can eliminate it via server tinkering. This could hardly be a more serious issue with iOS 9, and it is one that Apple has failed to patch once more. Updated tech specs and comparison pages on Apple’s website show that iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, iPad Pro, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and the latest iPhones all ship with this technology, leaving only the iPad mini 2 and iPhone 5s on Bluetooth 4.0.