IOS 9 won’t let you download slim versions of apps just yet
App slicing is part of a group of updates called “App Thinning” which Apple touts as one of the primary components to iOS 9’s improved efficiency. The vulnerability was discovered after a man named Jose Rodriguez posted a video on YouTube, which has since then been replicated a number of times and has gone viral.
You can ask Siri to pull up messages, phone logs, calendar, clocks, Safari and pretty much anything else your heart desires after the iPhone’s lock screen is breached. According to Apple, 50% of iPhones and iPads have upgraded to iOS 9 in just five days since the software was released.The Slide to Upgrade bug prevented many users from fully upgrading to iOS 9.
Latest reports suggest that a user actually found a new exploit in iOS 9 (and 9.0.1) that lets you with just a handwritten steps bypass the device’s passcode.
Don’t freak out: The exploit can’t target devices remotely – your phone or tablet would have to actually be in someone’s hands for them to access your information. A few minor flaws were expected in iOS 9, but this is a major security flaw. The update to iOS 9 also brings support for the new iPad Pro along with its accessories, the Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard. You can plan a route easily, letting Maps tell you exactly which trains you should take to reach your destination.
The user can prevent this hack by heading to “settings” on the device and selecting Touch ID and Passcode.
[Exploring iOS 9: 10 Tips and Tricks.].
From now on, Netflix users who also own an iOS device will no longer have to use the website or their Apple TV to subscribe for unlimited streaming because they can do it right within the Netflix iOS app. It has been delisted, meaning that even if you have paid for and downloaded the game previously, you won’t be able to download it again.