Jackson County quarantined after EAB discovery
“You could be carrying EAB to a part of your county that would otherwise remain free of EAB for several years”.
Jackson County will be quarantined for emerald ash borer, following detection and confirmation of an infestation in the city of Black River Falls.
Officials have confirmed emerald ash borer in a southwest Iowa county, and they say it’s the furthest west the invasive insect has been spotted in the state.
The state agriculture department placed the county in a quarantine, which prohibits moving firewood and ash wood products to counties that are not quarantined. Trees on close by properties have been additionally symptomatic.
They also gave out words of advice to public including encouragement to consider preventative treatments for those that had property within 15 miles of any known infestation.
The emerald ash borer came to America by boat back in 2002, along with a wood transfer from Asia, where it originates from and it was these three qualities that have enabled it to roam freely across the U. S.
DATCP said firewood moved from an infested area to a non-infested area is the biggest source of emerald ash borers expanding their territory. “Even though we have detected EAB in more than half of our Wisconsin counties, in most of those counties, we still have only small, isolated infestations”.
Also noted, was to call a professional arborist and visit the website www.emeraldashborer.wi.gov to review important information.