Johnson says Trump should apologize for Khan comments
Khizr Khan, who’s son Humayun (L) was killed serving in the U.S. Army, speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. on July 28, 2016.
Nearly a year ago, a group of journalists were in the dining hall at a military camp in Florida when Donald Trump appeared on the television set that was turned to Fox News.
Trump, who avoided the active service draft through a bone spur complaint, had clearly been deeply rankled by Khizr Khan’s claim that his targeting of Muslims undermines the United States Constitution, and that in his own life Trump has “sacrificed nothing and no one” to protect its principles.
Trump hit back on Tuesday by denying both Ryan and McCain support in their re-election bids, in an interview with The Washington Post. And I can’t understand anyone who would try to defend or excuse Trump’s nasty remarks, on any grounds whatsoever.
“It’s upsetting to see a Gold Star family being criticized”, she said. “I don’t think coming out of any recession have we ever had figures this low”. But when Clinton responds to a mother who’s in the same boat as Khan, and dismisses that mother as having a bad memory when there’s proof out there that Clinton lied about the circumstances of the death of that mother’s son, the media doesn’t blink. She tries to explain her sadness, to put into language an emotion that often leaves many speechless.
At the end of the day, at least for me, it comes down to sacrifice and the very meaning of the word.
Not all Republican Muslims came to Trump’s defense.
No wonder the real story of the DNC was the multiple protests being held outside. The group includes Congressman Seth Moulton, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, founder of the Headstrong project Zach Iscol, along with Gold Star mothers, fathers and widows.
Sheehan became a media sensation when she attacked President George W. Bush over the war. And if we look like we’re applying religious tests on who comes into this country, we’re sending a message that essentially we’re embracing that frame. We have witnessed their fury, their helplessness, their cries, and their gutted silence. We have witnessed their inability to speak, as well as their inability to stop the flow of words. “So if you knew him, you were friends”, she said. But for Ghazala Khan, mourning could not be a private act. Her emotion had to be calibrated to appease a collective idea of an appropriate response for a certain kind of American, as if the shape of sorrow is uniform.
Former Distict-10 U.S. Congressman Chris Carney, a former commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve, Gayle Pollack, who served temporarily as the acting Surgeon General of the United States Army under Democratic President Barack Obama and Manan Trivedi, who ran as a Democrat for the Berks County congressional seat the past three elections, collaborated in a conference call organized by the Clinton Campaign, Monday afternoon, in which they planned to talk about Trump and the military. It is about the inability to grasp human – and American – complexity.
The good American Muslim waves the flag of patriotism, has served or has had family members serve as military members or first responders, or has to condemn and maybe even pledges to fight against violent extremism which emanates half way across the globe. “We’re a better country because of you”.
And we stand with them. Because he has soiled so much and so many, after truly experiencing him, you want to take a shower to feel clean again.