Julian Assange Blows Up Theory Putin, Russia Behind Democratic Email Leaks
When asked by Bill Maher on Real Time last night why he hadn’t already done it, the organization’s editor-in-chief quietly smiled and said: “We’re working on it”. Since Assange has been leaking information that directly impacts Clinton’s campaign, many people question if Assange secretly wants Trump to be elected.
“I have to make a little bit of a complaint here, although I shouldn’t really go there”.
Watch the full interview above.
The Trump campaign has denied those accusations.
“It wouldn’t necessarily be hacking into Donald Trump, it would be hacking into the IRS”, Hughes said in a segment during the “CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield” program. “What there is, is a conflation between our publications-the DNC leaks-and an extensive variety of hacks of the DNC, and frankly other organizations over the last two years, possibly by state actors, that wasn’t at all surprising”. “I don’t know what [your] point is”.
“He’s just the one that’s releasing them, through WikiLeaks”, Hughes said.
Clinton supporter Tharon Johnson, also on the program, responded that Trump missed his chance to come out and be “presidential and statesmanlike” on the issue of the emails.
Bill Maher then asked Assange about Donald Trump’s campaign. “We’re really good at this”. It’s very important for tracking money laundering and there are serious allegations about money laundering and SEC violations (unintelligible). “WikiLeaks has a flawless ten year record of never getting it wrong – it is an impressive record and it is the reason why it takes a while before we publish information because we want to keep that record”. If anyone knows what U.S. intelligence agencies know, he knows.
Continuing Julian Assange spoke around the allegation that Russian Federation leaked the documents.
When Maher alleged to Assange that, while there was plenty of chatter in the emails pointing to the Democratic primary being tilted in Hillary’s favor, there was no “smoking gun”, the Aussie hacker pushed back.
The real estate mogul and self-proclaimed billionaire says he can’t release the documents because he is being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. “We are “working on” encouraging whistleblowers”, the group tweeted Saturday morning.
He stood by the release of almost 20,000 emails from some of the most powerful figures in the Democratic party, stating that no one affected-not even former chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who resigned following the emails’s release-had made any allegations against Wikileaks.