Kathy Flaherty: Consider those dealing with cancer when voting on Obamacare repeal
Chances are that without the individual mandate in place, most insurers would simply leave state Marketplaces, tax credits and subsidies notwithstanding.
One simple fact both sides can agree on is that choice, access, and cost are all interrelated: and that makes it hard to craft health care policies that will improve all three.
Here in NY, 2.7 million residents will lose their coverage if the ACA is repealed. “It can be problematic to maintain a full-time job that offers benefits”. In between the two positions is little to no common ground.
In the conversation about Obamacare I’ve found that most people argue from personal experience. I help people with MS, Parkinsons, cancer, and more function with independence and dignity.
And there would be significant variance from person to person.
Health insurance is a complicated topic to untangle for most people and coverage under the Affordable Care Act is no exception.
Solis said her husband requires medication to stay alive, that at one time would cost her more than $16,000 dollars out of pocket each month.”Before my husband got ill we have private insurance, I never thought if there are people out there dying because they can’t afford their medication”.
Trump’s whole approach so far has been “If you thwart me, I’ll destroy you”. I invite all government employees who were hired under the Affordable Care Act to come join us in the profit-making world.
But older Americans would not fare well at all.
As Sen. Young returns to Washington, DC, he should bear in mind that he holds their lives in his hands – and he owes them some concrete answers about how exactly he plans to keep Indiana’s residents covered and cared for. The president and congressional Republican leaders have pledged to repeal and replace the federal health insurance law known as Obamacare.
Ryan’s bill, for example, would raise the Medicare eligibility age to 67 and turn it into a voucher system that would give beneficiaries a set amount of money to purchase insurance on the open market, though it would include traditional Medicare as an option. People understand such cuts will affect someone you know. Some experts say a disruption in services can be damaging to the functioning of individuals with mental-health concerns. Maybe it’s only $5 for an office visit, or $20 or $30 for an ER visit. The letter queried federal lawmakers over potential reforms to a variety of Medicaid regulations ranging from which populations to cover to drug pricing negotiations and work requirements.
Conservative Republicans, however, are moving in the opposite direction.
For this week’s radio program we spoke with four people operating at the highest levels of the healthcare industry. But we are going to need your help by speaking out. The governor also said the group has some specific ideas but was waiting until Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday night. “We may even be close to a world where every plan can and should have an HSA, which would be a good thing in among the general uncertainty”, Fowler said. Republicans accurately calculate that taking either of these benefits away would be politically suicidal – and that President Trump, who has promised health care for “everyone”, probably would balk. But just who are these 22 million Americans, including 500,000 people right here in Kentucky, who now have health care that didn’t have it before?