Kitchen Fires Double on Thanksgiving
Recent studies show that close to four times as many cooking fires happen on Thanksgiving Day than any other day.
“If you open the oven door you’re feeding the fire oxygen and it’s going to get bigger”, Erwin said. With that, make sure to always stand next to the oven or stove when you are cooking to avoid any accidents in the kitchen.
Never leave something you’re cooking unattended.
When you are baking or roasting food, check it regularly, stay in the home, and use a timer to remind you.
Cooking areas should be clear of pot holders or food wrappers, which can catch fire easily.
Keep children at least three feet away from the stove.
If you do have a smoky situation on your hands, Mooney said to call 911 immediately.
Matt first and foremost urges that everyone have a fire extinguisher in their home.
Use well-insulated potholders or oven mitts when touching pot or lid handles. This will ensure the oil does not become overheated.
Never use water to extinguish a grease fire.
Health officials said numerous reported cases of foodborne illness are caused by bacteria or by the toxins produced by bacteria. “Make sure your electrical cords aren’t in a place where kids can grab it”, said Carter. It said people need to be cautious when frying turkeys, as fryers sparking flames can quickly spread and burn down a home. As a result, burners used to heat the oil often ignite the spilled oil cause fires. Most units do not have thermostat controls.
Cooking fires are very common and usually avoidable.
There have been people who have burned down their garages, their homes and injured themselves, Braxton said of deep fryers. “Please heed these simple safety rules”.
Make sure your smoke alarms are working (test them by pressing the test button- you should hear a loud beep) and replace batteries if needed.