Leon Panetta Interrupted by ‘No More War’ Chants as He Blasts Trump
The former head of the Central Intelligence Agency and President Obama’s ex-defence secretary Leon Panetta was left speechless by anti-war chants at the Democratic national convention on Wednesday.
Leon Panetta said Trump would be an “unstable” choice for the White House that would give the country “unstable” leadership, saying he “gets his foreign policy experience from watching TV and running the Miss Universe pageant”.
According to news reports, as Panetta dug into Hillary Clinton rival Donald Trump, delegates from Oregon, California, and Washington state broke into cries of “No more war!” and “Lies!” He asked the Russians to interfere in American politics.
“Think about that for a moment”, Panetta said. “The president, a commander in chief, has no greater responsibility than the decision to send our troops into harm’s way”, Panetta said. “We can not afford someone who believes America should withdraw from the world, and someone who threatens our global treaties and who violates our principles”.
Clinton “is the only candidate who has laid out a comprehensive plan to defeat and to destroy ISIS and keep America safe”. “We can not afford an erratic on our nuclear weapons”, Panetta said in his address. Instead, he insults people who disagree with him.
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This is the Democratic base that Hillary Clinton must deal with in the fall campaign. He recalled the tough fight Clinton put up during the 2008 election, and said she was doing “everything I was doing, but just like Ginger Rogers, it was backwards in heels”.