Lights go out around the world for 10th anniversary of Earth Hour
BC Hydro is encouraging British Columbians to participate in Earth Hour Saturday evening from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
It is to make people aware to live more sustainably and think a while before taking steps which may harm the planet.
Carrboro Board of Aldermen member Jacquelyn Gist said that this event is significant for the sake of wildlife, aesthetics and climate change action.
Then there’s the effect climate change has on wildlife.
Last year, Dubai witnessed a 222MWh reduction in the consumption of electricity, and a reduction of 96 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions during Earth Hour. Political will is frequently lacking. With the historic Paris Agreement on climate change now in force, there’s never been a more crucial time to show strong public support for efforts to stem climate change.
This year, #EarthHourPH2017 will rally the youth to be the climate leaders of tomorrow, bringing to light their role in propelling the country into a climate-resilient one; a cause that Summit highly identifies itself with.
It’s simple: just turn off unnecessary lights and electronics.
While the hour-long event is organized to unite people against climate change the goal is to create a lasting impact and spur action.
“We are now using about one and half earth planets worth of resources to sustain our current lifestyle and this is to provide us with food, water shelter and energy”. Make sure that you do not use your cellphones or laptops. Again, when we switch back on, there is plenty of online information about how we can do this.
While the organizers of Earth Hour said they do not audit results of the energy saving initiative, the group has commissioned research indicating up to one in four Australians gets involved.
Bring along a picnic and listen to Dr Andrew Rawson, Adjunct Associate Professor from CSU speak on current aspects of climate change. Aside from turning off lights, we are inviting you to pray the Holy Rosary while tuned in to Radio Veritas.