Make your vote count in European Union referendum
Andy O’Neill, Head of the Electoral Commission, Scotland, said: “The Electoral Commission has sent an impartial voting guide to every household in Scotland and across the UK”. In England, Scotland and Wales, if you are suddenly incapacitated or taken ill on polling day, you can apply for an emergency proxy up until 17:00 BST.
The previous record was in last year’s general election when the number was 46,354,197.
The commission said 24,117 people had registered in Gibraltar.
There are 2,270743 people registered to vote in Wales up 4.7% since December with 115,900 registered to vote in Flintshire. 87 polling stations will be open and 224 polling station staff will be on duty.
Voters in Bristol are being urged to plan when they intend to visit a polling station and cast their vote in the referendum.
Mark Heath, Counting Officer for Southampton, said: “We are expecting a high turnout on June 23 so I encourage Southampton residents to take a few minutes to plan what time they will arrive at the polling station on 23 June”.
Most respondents will be going to their polling station alone (37%), while nearly one in three (31%) will be going to vote with their partner. “If you are concerned because you have not received a poll card please ring Electoral Services who will check whether you are on the register and tell you where you should vote”.
There are 95 polling stations in Southampton and they will be open from 7am to 10pm.
When polls are closed, local results will be declared as the counts are completed.
Once you are in the polling booth, you will be asked whether Britain should remain in the European Union or leave.
The majority of counting areas are expected to declare between around 1am and 3am on Friday morning.
That’s not the end of proceedings for Flintshire, Council Chief Executive and Regional Counting Officer Colin Everett has been given the honour of overseeing and collating the count results from all 22 count venues across Wales.
Each ballot will first be verified, so turnout can be announced by each centre, and then the counting will get underway.