Marin Voice: Breastfeeding workforce of the world, unite!
Having childcare close to your work or college, so that breastfeeding can continue during breaks or before and after work.
Breastfeeding supports a mother’s bond with her baby, is linked with a decreased maternal risk of type 2 diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, reduced osteoporosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease rates.
In conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week 2015, 124 mothers in Penang simultaneously breastfed their babies for a minute in an event that promoted the importance of breastfeeding. It is a unique nutritional source that can not adequately be replaced by any other food and it remains superior to infant formula from the perspective of the overall health benefits of both mother and child.
Bonding: Breastfeeding stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin in the mother’s body which promotes the development of bonding between mother and offspring.
But we should also do more to overcome an obstacle that prevents potentially millions of women from breastfeeding: Workplace policies that do not support the right of working mothers to breastfeed their babies on the job.
Breastfeeding supports the birth recovery process including: weight loss, less anxiety and postpartum depression, balancing out the long-term health benefits with positive immediate incentives of lengthening breastfeeding duration.
Do you have questions on breastfeeding and work? This year’s World Breastfeeding Week at the Zoo will include vendors, prizes and a variety of informational sessions. The study looked at breastfeeding rates in the first 48 hours after birth, after three-four months and after six-seven months.
Many mums, including some of the biggest celebrities, proudly breastfeed their children and some of the stars don’t even mind sharing their intimate moments with fans. Help a working mother give her baby the best!!!
It’s the law. California state law requires every employer to provide a “reasonable amount of break time” for an employee who wants to pump breast milk for her child.
Since it’s required, why not turn this “requirement” into a “benefit?”
Richards, who also leads the local chapter of La Leche League, said they chose to have the event later this year to accommodate working mothers. That is a win-win-win situation. She serves as the coordinator of the Marin Breastfeeding Coalition, which meets the first Monday of the month in San Rafael.