McArthur|Should your Twitter past affect your professional future?
Should your Twitter past affect your professional future?
Ala Buzreba, the Liberal candidate for Calgary Nose Hill, tweeted Tuesday that “young people, myself included, have learned a lot of lessons about social media”.
And in a third tweet circulating online, she said a haircut had made her look “like a flipping lesbian”.
She also told another Twitter user to “blow your brains out”.
Her explanation did little to quell the mounting social media outrage stirred by her original comments and she quickly weighed in with two more postings, apologizing “for the comments I made a long time ago, as a teenager”.
Both a Buzreba spokesperson and a Liberal Party spokesperson directed Global News to her tweets as her “official response” when asked for an interview.
In a message posted late Tuesday on her Facebook page, the 21-year-old again apologized “without reservation” for posting comments “that do not accurately reflect my views and who I am”. “I think it’s important to point out that she was a teenager and we all make mistakes, but I’m glad to see she has unreservedly apologized”. Marie, Ont., said he was pleased with her apology.
In one tweet, from April 24, 2011, Buzreba told the the unabashedly pro-Israel account @israel_shield that their mother should’ve aborted them.
“It’s up to (Trudeau) to explain to the Canadian public why he’s defending those comments for her”, Rempel said.
It’s possible that in green-lighting Buzreba as a candidate, the Liberal Party didn’t notice the tweets or just didn’t have a problem with them.
On her website, Buzreba describes herself as a “passionate community organizer” and a “keen and energetic participant” in student politics at the University of Calgary.
The case follows a controversy that embroiled NDP MLA Deborah Drever, who appeared in a series of offending images, including a heavy metal album cover in which a man appears poised to assault her with a bottle.