Mel Gibson And Alec Baldwin Defended By Gary Oldman
Even the interview held by Playboy magazine couldn’t stop Gary Oldman from saying what he wished to.
The anti-semitic remarks given by Mel Gibson were defended by Gary. Alec Baldwin has public tirades. The lengthy chat of Gary with play magazine allowed him to express to views to the fullest. Besides being lengthy the chat was candid enough that has driven viewers towards it. The chat mainly focused issues that prevailed in July / August. How could it complete without the discussion of “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” and also promoted it.
The British actor also expressed his believe that there is nothing called political correctness and it is all crap. It was the verdict of this 56 year old actor. He continued his speech by saying that carrying an f-joke.
Gary also got drunk while his speech was continuing. In a drunken state he said that he doesn’t know anything about himself. He then recalled the incident that took place in 2006 as suspected guilty in DUI case in Malibu. The case was screwed up further when he made bad remarks to the policeman. The remarks made by him were anti- somatic and he claimed that most of the wars taking place in the world are because of Jews.
He continued talking about Mel Gibson that he lives in a town that has most of the Jews as residents. Whatever was said by Mel was wrong because his speech revealed that he has bitten that hand which has fed him over years. Now, as per him there is no need to need to feed him anymore because he has received more than what he deserved.
The well known actor of “The Dark Knight Rises” also defended Alec Baldwin with his use of homophobic and derogatory terms. Oldman later on singled out the satirical news program.