Metal mouth: Smiling pup has ‘doggie braces’
While we humans have to sometimes wait years before the braces can be removed, Wesley will only have to deal with his canine brace for a few weeks.
This adorable pup is flashing a silver grin after getting braces to fix his extremely crooked teeth. “Also, it obviously doesn’t bother him one little bit…He’s a happy little guy”.
His owner, Molly Moore, lives in lives in Spring Lake, Michigan and works at a vet clinic owned by her dad, Jim Moore.
“He wasn’t able to fully close his mouth and chew well and he stopped playing with his toys because of the pain and started losing weight because he couldn’t eat”, Molly Moore told ABC News of Wesley.
But one pooch looked positively overjoyed after having his own set of braces fitted during a trip to see the “doggie dentist”.
The dentist’s Facebook page reassures visitors “orthodontia in pets is not normally for aesthetic purposes but because of health concerns”. “The answer is… yes”.
He lectures to veterinarians and veterinary technicians at dental seminars around the country on topics including maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery, endodontia and surgical endodontia, surgical extraction and dental cleaning, scaling and polishing, the website said.
Mashable says Wesley will only have to wear his braces for a short period of time, unlike your average teenager.
Wesley’s “brace face” has since gained over 250,000 shares in just a few days.
They wrote that they are overwhelmed with the support and interest they have received in Wesley.