MI panel offers plan to return safe water to Flint
Downtown Flint, Mich., is shown along the Flint River, Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016. Locals drive up in a steady stream to pick up cases of water and filters, and National Guard members help carry the water out to residents’ cars, while others canvass neighborhoods and deliver water to the elderly and disabled.
Ariana Hawk is the mother of 2-year-old, Sincere “Sunny” Smith.
Michigan’s top environmental officer has told his us counterpart the state will comply with an order to ensure safe operation of Flint’s drinking water and protect public health.
And even the 8,657 Flint children younger than six exposed to lead may be a low estimate; It doesn’t include unborn children whose mothers drank tainted water during their pregnancies, or children and pregnant women who reside outside Flint but were exposed while visiting relatives, childcare centers or hospitals inside city limits.
Officials were slow to respond to complaints over water in Flint, which many have interpreted as a outcome of poverty and inequality suffered in Flint. However, he challenges the legality of the federal government’s demands.
In 2014, Flint disconnected from Detroit’s water line and began drawing its water from the Flint River to save money. But officials failed to treat the corrosive water properly to prevent metal leaching from old pipes. Now families fear for their health and especially for the future of their children, who can develop learning disabilities and behavior problems from lead exposure.
He writes the state intends to “fully outline” its “legal and factual concerns with the order”. But it wasn’t until October 16 that EPA established a task force to provide technical help – the day Flint switched back to the Detroit water system.
Also Friday, State Representative Sheldon Neeley accused the Snyder administration of hiding some of the governor’s correspondence on the issue. The advisory group said its recommendations are more detailed and comprehensive than what the EPA ordered, and Snyder said officials would “move as quickly as possible to determine the best way to achieve the results”.
Don’t expect Cher to donate much to Michigan Governor Governor Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign.
Mercury LLC, which bills itself as a “high stakes public strategy firm”, said in a statement that it is not being paid with state funds. Snyder spokesman Dave Murray didn’t reveal how the PR team will be paid. Most cities are using chemicals to control corrosion and lead while they replace the pipes as they’re able.
“But as a practical matter, when you look at it today and you look at their conclusions, I wouldn’t call them experts anymore”, he said.
This crisis highlights the many dangers of allowing the government to maintain a monopoly on the water supply and calls attention to the fact that decentralized solutions to water distribution should be a goal that we start working towards. “He accepted accountability for that, and noted that federal, state, and local leaders broke the trust of the people”, it said.
Typically, federal aid for an emergency is capped at $5 million, though the president can commit more if he goes through Congress. The government announced Friday that it had denied an appeal of that decision by Snyder. Both employees were suspended pending an investigation, in accordance with civil service rules.
What is environmental racism, and what does it have to do with the water crisis in Flint, Michigan?
“Some DEQ actions lacked common sense, and that resulted in this awful tragedy in Flint”, Snyder said.
The state department of environmental quality botched the tests showing high lead levels.