More Clues that Joe Biden Is Definitely, Maybe Running for President
But those close to the vice president caution that Biden still has not decided on whether he will jump in, and that the meeting was part of an effort by his team that has been ongoing for weeks to prepare in case Biden chooses to run. However he would face a steep uphill climb if he does.
‘I think it means he’s running, ‘ the source of the information told The New Yorker. “The deadlines for qualifying on the ballots for key states haven’t passed yet, but are fast approaching”.
Sonia Sloan, a Biden friend and campaign volunteer since the 1970s, said the video unnecessarily placed a spotlight on the family’s grief.
Biden has remained coy over whether or not he will enter the race, but it appears as if he will skip next week’s first Democratic debate.
While politics do, inevitably, factor into this decision, the one word we heard associated with Biden more than any other was “family”. “I am not even focused yet on Tuesday”, says Pierce, who acknowledges that either way these might be the last few days of one of the most elaborate shadow campaigns in modern political history.
But it’s also unclear how wide that opening is for Biden – or if the public might stop viewing him as favorably should he enter the partisan arena, especially once the inevitable hits start flying from his opponents and the media.
It’s always been clear that Biden would like to be president.
Clinton, meanwhile, is battling controversy over her use of a private email server as secretary of State.
The most recent poll from NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist suggests a Biden run would ultimately siphon more support for the vice president from Clinton than Sanders.
One of Simpson’s examples is her aunt, Pam Jochum, the Iowa Senate President, who announced her endorsement of Clinton this week.
According the New Yorker report at the DNC meeting staffers briefed Biden’s aides on the mechanics of the primaries, including the “primary calendar, filing deadlines, ballot-access, and the party’s state-by-state selection process for delegates and super delegates”.
The caucuses are now less than four months away and in a state where grassroots organizing is crucial, the Draft Biden effort has just two paid staffers on the ground compared to Hillary Clinton’s 78 and Sanders’ 60 organizers.
The first thing you learn in Delaware is that Vice President Biden is simply “Joe”.
“[A Biden campaign] can’t build a traditional structure”.
The move adds a new layer of intrigue to the ongoing question of whether top Democratic donors are looking for another alternative to Clinton, though Miller stressed in the piece the latest move was based on the personal relationship the two activists had with Biden.
“Whether Warren or not, if Biden gets in he’s going to be the Democratic candidate”, Morris, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton, said Friday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.
You won’t hear anyone say they want to defeat and destroy the Islamic State group or, for that matter, bring the benefits of democratic capitalism and free enterprise to people overseas.
“The bottom line on the Politico story is that it is categorically false and the characterization is offensive”, said a spokesperson for the vice president.