Morristown ‘paints the town pink’ for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
“Early detection can increase a woman’s chance of survival”, says Christina Casteel, MD, medical director of the Breast Health Center.
In 2015, almost 232,000 American women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
It is recommended that all women over the age of 40 have an annual mammogram to watch for any changes in the breast. “She would get more radiation flying cross-country in an airplane”. “Breast cancer can impact any of us”.
“Our screening rates remain low compared to other states, which is unfortunate because there are many resources available to help women get low or no-cost mammograms”, said Julie Tarbuck, WDH Comprehensive Cancer Control Program manager.
Yearly mammograms have helped reduce the breast cancer mortality rate in the almost one-third since 1990.
Although she had lobular breast cancer, which can be hard to detect and hard to treat, Alison was lucky it was found early. According to the Mirror, people who have greater risk for developing breast cancer include women over 50-years-old, people who are overweight or obese, and those who smoke.
The month of October is identified as Breast Cancer Awareness Month across the world.
Tuesday was declared Breast Cancer Awareness Day for Taylor County by Commissioner Chuck Statler during the ceremony and the entrances to the courthouse were adorned with pink wreaths.
It’s October and that means it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
And that, Burstein said, underscores the value of mammography screening.
Events like Turn Tyler Pink support this early detection, but most importantly, they provide the support to conquer the disease.
Of the women diagnosed between 2006 and 2012, she noted, 65 percent had their tumors caught when they were still less than three-quarters of inch in size.
That’s the age Harper began having her annual screenings. Teams of scientists in Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow are carrying out research to develop new treatments, to improve existing ones and to understand more about how this devastating disease works and can be tackled.