Despite a massive cyberattack on its website, WikiLeaks has published the first batch of almost 300,000 emails from the Turkish ruling AKP party’s internal server and thousands of attached files in response to the Ankara government’s widespread post-coup purges, RT reports.
With campaign footage being revealed at E3 2016, Xbox has released a brand-new gameplay video, showcasing even more campaign footage for Gears of War 4. Nevertheless, the video shows an exciting sequence for Gears of War fans, and this certainly looks like an impressive limited...
One fighter shouts “We will leave no one in Handarat”, an area north of Aleppo city, where there has been fighting between rebels and government forces.
The cabinet committee on law and order on Sunday chose to ban transmission of Peace TV that broadcasts speeches by Mumbai-based Islamic scholar Zakir Naik.
Marshall died at 5 p.m. local time (0000 GMT) in Burbank, California, from complications of pneumonia after a stroke, his representative Michelle Bega told USA Today.
In light of the weekend’s ambush attack against law enforcement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, officials announced that the show would not debut until the fall, but no date was announced.
The list of people set to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland has finally been released, ranging from Donald Trump’s staffers to his family members to some political supporters.
The trooper has fearlessly put himself out there with a video showing the exact moment he realised he was, in his own words, “too dang old to be going down water slides”.