Clark gladly accepted and the result was him surrounded by seven young girls executing the dance moves just as enthusiastically as they did. His post has close to 2,000 likes and has been re-tweeted more than 1,700 times!
Binge On has been the target of a lot of criticism lately, most notably from YouTube, which said that T-Mobile was “throttling all video services” on its network. Now, testing by the EFF has punched massive holes in T-Mobile’s claims.
The Republican presidential candidate’s first TV ad released this week features a cameo of one of the world’s most built-up border walls, and the choice is puzzling to political observers. “He’s talked about this from the day he launched his...
At about 4:30 Monday morning, police say as he was leaving work for the day, Garcia asked a man who had been in the restaurant for hours to leave as well.
Under the second year of ESPN’s 12-year college football playoff deal – for which it pays about $600 million a year for rights – key college football semifinal games were moved to New Year’s Eve from the more traditional New Year’s Day. When the...
By now, it’s significance is (somewhat) on the wane, as the big phone launches have mostly shifted to Mobile World Congress, which takes place about a month later, but you’ll still see big news about TVs, driverless cars, and this year there will nearly certainly be a...
The UHD Alliance, an industry group formed of 35 companies including Dolby, LG, Netflix, Panasonic and Samsung, announced at CES 2016 in Las Vegas that it has now decided on the standards – and the logo – that will clarify Ultra High Definition “Premium”...
Donald Trump’s first television campaign advert has compounded his growing reputation for misleading statements after it appeared to falsely depict Mexican immigrants trying to enter the United States.
Directed by Anurag Basu, the film has Ranbir and Katrina play young detectives and this picture proves it that they can pull off the roles with precision.
US officials said in November they were “reasonably certain” that an airstrike had killed Mohammed Emwazi, who was dubbed “Jihadi John” by hostages who nicknamed him and three British colleagues “The Beatles”.