Despite Emanuel issuing an apology, several prominent Chicago pastors have rejected Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s gesture of forgiveness and are demanding that his administration release yet another dash cam recording in which a white police officer fatally shot seventeen-year-old...
George Lucas sold “Star Wars” to Disney in 2012 for $4.05 billion dollars, and “The Force Awakens” is the first of a new trilogy and new standalone films from the studio.
Even Donald Trump has tried to trump Drake’s viral “Hotline Bling” music video. The results are hilarious as it makes it look like the president was copying the rapper’s epic dance moves.
Even if I wish “The Force Awakens” was striking further out into new territory rather than reasserting its credibility, it’s nice at least to see that Abrams and Disney want to reassure fans who loved many different manifestations of the “Star Wars”...
Not only is she celebrating her birthday and the success of her 1989 tour, she also recently announced plans of releasing her 1989 tour film on Apple Music.
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson touted his past experiences during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate, arguing that the candidates who are not politicians are still viable to be commander in chief. Here’s how to watch in the Portland, Oregon, metro area, plus...
Envisioning the First Daughters as ditzy twenty-somethings who still sleep with stuffed animals in twin beds and speak in a “top secret twin language” that stumps their dad, Fey and Poehler took the opportunity to bust out their version of a Texas twang.
CNN had plans to announce the debate line-up during the State of the Union at 9 a.m. but had delayed the call until the show’s re-run at noon, perhaps to allow for the Sunday morning poll to be released, Mediaite pointed out.
For lifelong “Star Wars” fans, and those whose young lives have only recently been touched by George Lucas’ enduring films, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” arrives with a mix of sky-high expectations and just a hint of trepidation.
Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez will discuss the investigation into the October 2014 shooting of Ronald Johnson – the same month as Mr. McDonald’s death.
All that was mentioned was: “John Watson [one of the founding trio of developer Stoic, and the programmer] has been working on porting the game to consoles for quite a while”. Porting the game certainly presented technical challenges that we needed to overcome, and...
Insiders on all sides, however, say there was never a contract to play Hateful Eight, and that Tarantino is incorrect. He later explained, “I made The Hateful Eight for the Dome…This is the first time seeing it at the Dome for me too, and it was like I hadn’t...