That campaign ended in a painful penalty-shootout defeat to Japan in the title match that saw the USA squander a 1-0 lead in regulation and a 2-1 advantage in extra time.
Film legend George Lucas has appealed to Star Wars fans to keep their light-sabers and blasters holstered in order not to cause alarm following the Paris terror attacks. Norwich Stars Wars Club UK president Richard Walker, 66 confirmed they had been asked not to take their...
A group of stormtroopers from the First Order opened the red carpet for the European premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens held at London’s Leicester Square.
Last month, Killer Mike showed his support for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders by introducing the senator at a rally in Atlanta. You have a right, regardless of your income, to health care. “And some dignity as a result of that”.
It turns out J-Law has a weird history with Late Night host Seth Meyers. Given that time has passed since her humiliation, Lawrence felt she could share the story.
However, behind the scenes, the folks at Lucasfilm, in a Benjamin-Button-like manner, are fixated on a future with a far younger, potentially baby-faced version of the crusher of the Kessel Run. However, contrary to conventional thinking, it seems that the big brass may not...
The report showed that 48 percent of women and 50 percent of men play video games “on a computer, TV, game console, or portable device like a cellphone”, Maeve Duggan, a research analyst for the Pew Research Center’s Internet Project wrote in the report. What is...
The Force has truly awoken again in New Zealand tonight, with the latest Star Wars film launching into local cinemas ahead of the rest of the world. The result is that The Force Awakens is genuinely full of surprises, so much so that even someone who’s studied every single...
“Donald is great at the one-liners, but he’s a chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos president, ” former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said as the fifth Republican presidential debate opened in Las Vegas. None of the other candidates saw movement in the marketplace,...
The worldwide theatrical premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a paltry five days away, and many film studios have been vying for that coveted spot for their film’s trailers to air in front of Episode VII.