According to Eurogamer, the remaster will feature support for high resolutions and widescreen, improved gameplay and level design, support for v-sync, enhanced effects for elements such as lighting and water, ability to freely rebind all keys, and the addition of Steam achievements.
Divanation will be the first movie the actresses have appeared in together since 1996’s The First Wives Club, in which they played three divorcees who plot against their ex-husbands.
Republican organizations will conduct viewing parties at five sites in Los Angeles County for today’s debate involving the party’s top nine presidential candidates.
Rare Replay is a collection of 30 Rare games. Multiple gameplay modes are available which includes a survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, a creative mode where players have infinite resources to spend on buildings and the...
If a drone is on your holiday shopping list, listen up- a new federal law will require drone owners to register them with the FAA or face civil and criminal penalties. The FAA estimates that 1.6 million small unmanned aircraft will be sold this year, with half during the last...
Apple has revealed the “Best of 2015” apps and games with Twitter’s Periscope acing the general category, Tomb Raider Go picking up top spot in the gaming category. Launched with 500 apps, the iOS App Store contained 9,676 apps within four months in November; a...