The new Apple iPhone 6 and 6s are seen in the demo area after an Apple special event at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium September 9, 2015 in San Francisco, California.
The Planned Parenthood facilities disposed of fetal tissue the same way as other health care providers and DeWine’s proposed action was discriminatory and violated the organization’s right to due process and equal protection under the law, said Stephanie Kight of...
Continuing my coverage from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens junket, today I bring you Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy, who helps to explain how the Star Wars anthology movies (i.e., the “A Star Wars Story” films) will be different from the Star Wars Saga movies.
Chuck Schumer called Sunday for a push to prevent known or suspected terrorists from buying guns in NY. Cuomo said that, if the federal government won’t use the terrorist watch list in conducting background checks to restrict guns to known or suspected terrorists, Congress...
Emanuel on Saturday released an opinion piece he wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune. He said the city was following a longstanding practice of releasing such material only after an investigation was complete. Both the former police superintendent and the Cook...
The film is being kept so under wraps that three Star Wars spin-off directors – Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Colin Trevorrow – have said they haven’t seen the film yet. Google has teamed up with Disney to help you get hyped up for the new Star Wars movie by...
The sheriff’s department released the calls on Sunday in addition to the security video showing Robertson stretched on the ground with a gun in his hand.
Designed for fans of the film franchise, the areas include movie memorabilia and replicas of Star Wars props, along with interactive video games and Star Wars merchandise. As well, Lucas had made comments about the direction the film was heading earlier in the year.
At this time next week, the anticipation for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will finally be over. “Underworld”, the stories would’ve bridged the gap between the movie prequels and the original trilogy, and writers were hired including Ronald D. Moore...