“I said, ‘All I wanted to do was tell a story of what happened-it started here and it went there”. Creator George Lucas was quoted as saying some 15 years ago that The Force embodies “a concept of religion based on the premise that there is a God and there...
Fans bring in teddy bears to donate to needy kids, but they don’t drop them off at the door… instead, they wait until the home team scores their first goal, and then fling them on the ice.
Mumbai: Recent Bollywood release, Hate Story 3 movie directed by Vishal Pandya and funded by T-Series has got some kind of response at box-office and has earned almost 17,77 crores.
Conservative blog Breitbart.com’s film critic John Nolte claimed on Sunday that the final film of the Hunger Games franchise is suffering at the box office because of actress Jennifer Lawrence’s recent remarks in the media about politics and religion.
Square Enix has announced a beta for Hitman that will take place 20 years in the past, when Agent 47 first joined the ICA. It’ll also reveal the first time 47 meets his handler Diana Burnwood.
He was then shot twice by an officer holding an AR-15-style rifle almost simultaneously. Shortly after the man puts his hands on a police cruiser, one of the cops fires, and the man falls to the ground clutching his chest.
Newly released documents in the fatal shooting of Chicago teen Laquan McDonald – including original incident reports, as well as summaries filed later by detectives – show that critical aspects of some officers’ version of events are not backed up by the now...