If Emanuel approved that payout without seeing the video that contradicted the official “justified shooting” posture of his Police Department then he was irresponsible with the purse strings of cash-strapped Chicago.
Emanuel says the task force is necessary after Officer Jason Van Dyke, who is white, fatally shot Laquan McDonald, a black 17-year-old, 16 times in 2014, a video of which was released last week and set off protests.
A 21 year-old engineering student was arrested this Monday after he made an online threat that lead to the suspension of all activities in the University of Chicago. “I will execute aproximately (sic) 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time...
Point is, it’s actually not that insane that their pick for the Best Picture of 2015 is Mad Max: Fury Road, the critically acclaimed and batshit insane fourth film in George Miller’s 35-plus-year franchise. The film had a budget of $US150 million and made $US375...
When the first Toy Story movie debuted 20 years ago on November 22, 1995, it launched its studio Pixar’s particular brand of telling stories for children while still embracing hard, adult themes. Their bond is the best part of the film, and, with his dog-like antics, Spot...
Protests followed the charging and arrest of Van Dyke and the release of the video on November 24. Activists contend city and police department officials dragged their feet on the investigation and video release and perhaps even sought to cover up what happened.
Though I’m sure this isn’t the only tie in novel we will see surrounding the upcoming DC Films tent pole, the new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice companion book – Cross Fire – gives us some new promo images from the movie. They won’t have to wait...
The comedy, starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, is released on February 2, but fans have been viewing its trailer so much that it has made to the record books, reported Variety online.