Directed by True Detective’s Cary Fukunaga, the film stars Idris Elba as an African warlord who trains a young orphan to become a guerilla soldier and join his militia.
For those miffed at the lack of a dedicated mode to play as the most iconic villains or heroes of Star Wars in the upcoming Battlefront game, you can finally rest easy.
Programmers working on “Star Wars Battlefront”, a Next-gen systems reboot of the popular game released in the early 2000s, have released a new beta, recording more than 38 lifetimes worth of game time, according to Polygon.
As he continues to try to restrain her, she is thrown several feet across the classroom as the officer tells her repeatedly to put her hands behind her back.
Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler was the first U.S. soldier killed in ground combat since America began its offensive against the terror group previous year.
The Voice USA coaches got more than they bargained for on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show recently, after the presenter challenged them to a game of Spin the Microphone.