Having Jamie Dornan in your new movie might normally be taken as a guarantee of box office success. But the best part of Johnson’s appearance on the show was when she carefully accepted the host’s gifts, a collection of “Ellen blue” sex toys....
Keep locked on this page, The Voice Season 9 September 21, 2015 Premiere Episode recap and videos will be added below. Meanwhile, music sensation and style icon Gwen Stefani will make a return for her second instalment after a season hiatus. She gets everyone but Adam to hit...
“There’s no denying that black women and girls still face real and persistent challenges”, he said. “Our kids are being raised around drug crime, they naturally gravitate toward drug crime, they then get involved in the criminal justice system, and it just...
Although the former tech executive prospered as the victor of the debate, The Washington Post reports that Donald Trump was the most mentioned contender on the stage, which shows that the GOP race still orbits around his candidacy.
In February, Williams was suspended for six months without pay from NBC in February after veterans questioned the veracity of his anecdote about nearly being shot down over Iraq in 2003.
In December, Gaga went public with her rape experience, revealing she had been attacked by a record producer at the age of 19. But, in fact, she herself doesn’t even appear in it. Til It Happens To You was created in association with the documentary The Hunting Ground,...
Directed by Swedish giant Jonas Åkerlund (whose credits also include Madonna’s “Ray of Light” and Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”), the clip shows McGowan reclaiming her famous body by getting naked but not “sexy” in any traditional sense...