“The President should order Ye (Kanye) to drop the album on the date August 21st”. Optimism was shortlived, however, as the White House removed it from the We The People website, citing a term of participation violation.
After getting caught stealing third base on Saturday night during the San Diego Padres’ game vs. the Colorado Rockies, outfielder Justin Upton retreated to the dugout and showed his displeasure with the play result by throwing his helmet.
“A group of marine biologists made the video on a boat in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, and posted it on YouTube with the message: “‘NO’ TO PLASTIC STRAWS” alongside an appeal to fund PhD research into sea turtles.
The Perseid shower will peak tonight and, with some luck, dozens of meteors will illuminate the night sky over the Northern Hemisphere. The last time a Perseid meteor shower coincided with a new moon was 2007, according to NASA.
The successful career of 1940s screenwriter Dalton Trumbo (Bryan Cranston) comes to a crushing end when he and other Hollywood figures are blacklisted for their political beliefs.
At some point, pepper spray was used, and an innocent bystander not involved in the melee got hit. “OMG Nicki stopped the show because like 15 fights broke out and bitches got maced”.
Formerly titled Adam Jones (it even got this hilariously boring poster with that name), Burnt finds Cooper playing a celebrity chef who attempts a return to the dining scene after falling down a massive pit of drugs and poor behavior. In addition to Cooper, John Wells directs a...
This video is a well-built homage to games released over the past forty years, probably because Iron Maiden is now celebrating their 40th anniversary (feel old?).