Museums Are Collecting Abandoned Signs From The Women’s Marches
“Women’s rights are human rights” – that’s the message made clear by thousands of pink-hatted demonstrators who marched through Washington D.C. on January 21, one day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as President.
“Our government needs to hear the people it works for because we are the reason it exists”, she said.
Although this march was considerably smaller than the one in D.C, NY or Chicago, the impact was the same.
Groarke believes that there is no better time to become politically active than during college.
“Why wouldn’t you be marching?” said CT marchers Miranda and Nora.
After reading the platform for the Women’s March on Washington, David spread the word about the event and gathered a group of students to march together.
Stand up, show up, rise up, and never give up, fellow marchers.
That being said, there are concrete actions you can take right away to continue resisting the Trump administration and fighting for human rights, and some of them are listed below.
Participants physically marching, however, proved hard. Most notably, they are a visual demonstration of how a large group of people feel about an issue at stake.
The march was an opportunity for students to participate in true political activism. I’ve noticed a few people on my Facebook feed asking why we’re all so angry, and why can’t we just go to the kitchen and make a nice sandwich, or wash our hair, or send a polite letter to our local representative? LOL.
On Saturday, I was happy to see some signs by white women holding each other accountable for these issues, imploring them to care just as deeply about women of color.
Several activists spoke to the crowd on Saturday, including actress Scarlett Johansson, who Hatcher said she was able to watch on one of the screens lining the streets. Among the thousands were groups of Manhattan College students. “The experience was breath-taking because as a person on the opposing side of a community where the majority supports the new administration, it was incredible to see everyone that was on my side, believing what I believed in too”.
Participants in the march came prepared with signs bearing slogans that ranged from creative and witty to assertive and provocative.
Local politics are critical, and they will be especially so under the Trump administration.
Black and indigenous women have been consistently begging for us to focus our hands not on our knitting but on our communities, supporting the most marginalized among us, not with symbolic shows of solidarity but by doing the dirty work.
Senior Henry Bagdasar marched alongside his classmates in the Laguna Beach Women’s March to demonstrate his support for his mother and sister.
The group left Bowling Green late Friday night, arriving in Washington, the morning as the march began.
While organizers received push back from those who questioned whether such a protest would have meaning, Harvey said the groundswell of support proved that such marches do matter.
The march itself was initially problematic. This was their first time, their introduction to taking the streets.
I’m proud to be a woman, I’m proud of my cousin that marched in New York City and I hope that one day we won’t have to march anymore, because then I’ll be proud of that too.
Though Engler has attended protests in the past, they said that, “this event, and just the general energy around the country would definitely kick start me into starting to get involved”.
There are so many things.
Merriam-Webster defines “feminism” as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes”.
White feminism is on display when a white celebrity who claims to be a feminist doesn’t act as an ally for women of color or LGBTQ communities when they need it most. And as the world’s media extolled the virtues and organization of the women who marched on Washington from the Capitol to the White House, there was one protestor’s sign (seen at simultaneous rallies around the world, of which there were at least 70) that seemed to sum up the frustrations of having to advocate publicly, and vociferously, for the same issues all these years later: “I can’t believe I still have to protest this s%it!” While from aerial views of whole cities covered in pink hats can be powerful and aptly moving, imagery and numbers about protests should not be prioritized over their content.