Muslim families of fallen US soldiers driven to oppose Trump
The campaign fired Monday senior adviser Ed Brookover, who acted as the middle man between the campaign and the Republican National Committee, Reuters reported.
Despite Donald Trump’s criticism of the family of a fallen Muslim U.S. Army captain, Florida Sen.
“It’s just who he is”, said Stuart Jolly, a former campaign staffer and current political director for the pro-Trump Great America PAC. He damned the soldier’s father for speaking out at the Democratic National Convention and his bereaved mother for not speaking.
Khan has been in the spotlight of the presidential election since his comments at the DNC, where he criticized Trump’s remarks about Muslims and spoke about the sacrifice his son made when he was killed in Iraq in 2004.
Trump rebuked Khizr Khan for suggesting that he should read the U.S. Constitution and said his wife Ghazala may have stood silently by her husband because she might not have been “allowed” to speak. This wasn’t much different from his knee-jerk response earlier: “I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention”.
Many criticized the Khans’ speech, including Trump.
And instead of keeping quiet about it Eric Trump said, “I think this is something that was honestly blown hugely out of proportion”.
“Sometimes in public service, you need to make hard, unpopular decisions”.
“Mr. Trump has crossed the line”, the Jewish veterans’ group said.
The attacks and excuses continued throughout the day. “A lot of this is a dustup we see inside the Beltway and NY media circles”.
His Gold Star parent shamed Trump for being intolerant and for not sacrificing anything or anyone like he had. Support for Johnson is surging in the polls, and he’s shot up from 4.5 percent to 7.2 percent in RealClearPolitics polls. Hillary Clinton and her team definitely knew this and no doubt, expected such a reply from him when they presented Humayun Khan’s story; Trump delivered!
“We can not solve our problems by building walls, sowing division”.
“When they serve and the sacrifice is made, we should be reverent and respectful”, Kooyenga said. His sacrifice – and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan – should always be honoured.
“McCain’s window to take a principled stand and abandon Trump has closed”.
In Sunbury, Alonzo Gonzalez, a 65 year old Vietnam veteran, said Trump “wasn’t fit to lead our armed forces”.
Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina said that “Capt. Khan is an American hero in every sense of the term, and the Khans deserve our sincerest gratitude”. His brother, Army Major James Ahearn, converted to Islam to marry a woman with whom he fell in love in Iraq, brought to the United States and with whom he had a daughter before he was killed by a bomb in Iraq in 2007.
The candidate has responded in his usual way – by defending his actions and claiming that he is being treated unfairly. Ryan then reiterated his support for a racist.
BLITZER: So what you would like to see is an apology from those parents? Critics include Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC, former presidential contenders Jeb Bush and John Kasich and Sen.