Nebraska GOP leaders disappointed Cruz didn’t endorse Trump
Cruz urged Republicans on Wednesday night to “vote your conscience”, a message at odds with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s speech, in which he called for support of Trump in order to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Burlison said Trump seemed to successfully upstage Cruz when he walked into the convention arena near the end of the speech, drawing the attention of many delegates.
“I understand where they wanted to go. He pledged to support the nominee and he needed to say that”, said Robinson, who added that she understood why some delegates booed. “She’s very eloquent, she speaks very well and I think that she could help mold the way he talks to women”.
Dr. Vanila Singh, a delegate from Fremont, was very impressed with what she heard from Trump’s veep pick. A Trump spokesman declined to comment on Roe’s remarks. Cruz came in second to Trump after a bitter campaign that devolved into personal attacks and name calling.
The highly choreographed show was meant to offer viewers a counterpoint to the technical glitches, speech flubs and boos that had so far made this the most turbulent party convention in modern political history.
But since Cruz’s speech, there have been conflicting claims from Trump and his campaign about whether they knew what to expect.
Hillary Clinton picked apart and sharply criticized Donald Trump’s convention speech, which she said put his “dark and divisive vision” for the country on full display.
Cruz did not endorse him in the Cleveland convention.
“I’m going to be listening to how he and the campaign conduct themselves every day from now until November”, Cruz said. Cruz did no such thing Wednesday.
With Cruz still on stage, most of the delegates turned around to point iPhones at the wide open VIP section just off the floor.
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) says Donald Trump’s selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence for Vice President was a “home run” for the GOP. “And then at the last minute, once he said, ‘vote your conscience, ‘ I blew a gasket”. “That was unity. That was unbelievable”, Trump told his supporters at an event here. Leading Republicans who found other ways to spend their time this week include Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a key Republican in a key electoral state which was, after all, hosting the convention.
Clinton acknowledged that there was a “constituency” for fear in American politics, but she said that the kind of isolationism on display at the Republican convention was unsafe for the country.
“As the speech was going on”, Roe recalled, “when it started, it was like, ‘Wow, this is unbelievable.’ ‘He’s crushing it.’ ‘Oh my gosh, this isn’t good.’ ‘What’s happening now?’ ‘Make this stop.’ ‘Oh, no, you really messed up'”.
Instead, Trump went back to being Trump at a farewell gathering before leaving Cleveland on Friday.