New Zealand invite to US Navy marks end to nuclear stalemate
New Zealand supported the U.S.-led war on terror in Afghanistan and has sent soldiers to help train Iraq’s armed forces.
The U.S. responded by suspending training with the Kiwis, effectively limiting ANZUS – the Australia, New Zealand, U.S. Security Treaty – to a bilateral defense pact with Australia.
Officials had advised Lange that the ship, the USS Buchanan, was “almost certain” to be free of nuclear weapons, so not in breach of New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy. He thanked Biden and the Obama administration for being “accommodating ” to New Zealand’s needs.
In November, the Pacific island nation will let a U.S. Navy ship visit one of its ports for the first time in over 30 years.
“We are naturally pleased the U.S. is taking up the invitation”, Mr. Key told the New Zealand Herald.
In a joint statement, Mr Key said the pair had also discussed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the threat of terrorism and former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark’s bid for the position of UN Secretary-General.
“There’s an understanding that the world has changed and we need to have a better relationships with our friends in Wellington”, he said.
But he said a vessel over which the New Zealand Government is required to make a judgement as to whether it’s nuclear-armed, could be more problematic.
Under New Zealand law the prime minister can only grant approval if he is satisfied “that the warships will not be carrying any nuclear explosive device upon their entry into the internal waters of New Zealand”. “When he asked me why we were so engaged, I pointed out we are a Pacific nation”.
Protester Valerie Morse said a protest flotilla is already in the works.
And New Zealand’s small and underfunded military is looking for US aid amid growing tensions in Asia.
Another potential fly in the ointment is the Trans Pacific Partnership trade pact.
“If that doesn’t pass, I think it will raise some big questions”, Capie said.