Obama says Trump ‘unfit’ to serve as president
Their party in crisis, Republicans’ frustration with Donald Trump reached new heights on Wednesday as GOP leaders inside and outside the presidential nominee’s campaign contemplated new ways to persuade him to moderate his divisive tactics with the election just 96 days away.
One of the people said Trump privately blames his own staff for failing to quiet the backlash from his own party after he criticized an American Muslim family whose son, a U.S. Army captain, was killed in Iraq. “He’ll probably go down as the worst president in the history of our country, he’s been a total disaster”, Trump said.
Influential GOP donor and Hewlett-Packard executive Meg Whitman is planning to endorse Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, calling the mercurial Republican candidate a person who has “exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division”. For me, it is not enough to simply denounce his comments: “He is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”.
On the campaign trail on Tuesday, Trump further dropped jaws by telling a mother and her crying baby to leave a rally and saying he “always wanted to get a Purple Heart”, after being given one by a military veteran who supports him. She said she would vote for Clinton if the race in her home state of Florida ended up being close. Trump is “woefully unprepared to do this job”, the president said.
The 30-second spot shows clips of 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former CIA Director Michael Hayden and other Republicans questioning Trump’s temperament and foreign policy experience.
“This election cycle is a test”, [top Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw] said.
“This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties”.
Whitman told the Times that Trump is a “dishonest demagogue” and said that those who look at other failed democracies and believe “it can’t happen here” are mistaken.
Trump also said he is not supporting Sen.
“The alternative is the entire party – the Republican Party – effectively endorses and validates the positions that are being articulated by Mr. Trump”.
Mr Trump has been sharply criticized for attacking the parents of a fallen USA soldier who spoke out against him.
“If @realDonaldTrump wants to be the Commander in Chief, he needs to act like one”.
The comments follow Trumps public praise Monday on Twitter of Ryans primary challenger, Paul Nehlen. On Monday, for instance, Trump he tweeted words of thanks to Paul Nehlen, who is challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan in the Republican primary in his Wisconsin House district this month.
Tensions were already running high between the two high-profile Republicans, who will have to work together closely should Trump win the presidency. “And we are confident in a victory next week regardless”.
Khan said that if Trump were president and enacted his proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims coming to the USA, a position Trump has backed away from in recent weeks, his son would have never been allowed into the country. Trump has previously backed up that thought by pointing to hacked emails from the national party that appeared to indicate a preference for Clinton. Trump’s unpredictability and freewheeling messaging are driving the exploration, according to ABC.
The Trump campaign said in a press release on Wednesday that most of its $80 million figure, $64 million in all, came through joint fundraising committees with the RNC. “And I’m in control of doing the things that he wants me to do in the campaign”.