Obama urges supporters to lobby for Iran deal
Netanyahu bluntly said, “This deal, the more you learn about it, the opposition to it increases”.
It said the legal acts adopted by the council translate into EU law these provisions. No agreement that permits the Iranians after fifteen years to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) and build as large a nuclear infrastructure as they want should leave us feeling comfortable. The argument for the deal, from the administration’s perspective, is that while Iran may be a malign force in world politics, its leaders are rational actors who respond to incentives and will see that giving up a nuclear weapons program in exchange for sanctions relief is a better course of action than a return to isolation and the threat of war.
Price said he believes the accord will “make the world a safer place”. The US political battle over the Iran nuclear agreement has gone Hollywood, thanks to a new video strongly backing the deal featuring boldface names from Jack Black and Morgan Freeman to former spy Valerie Plame and Jordan’s Queen Noor.
The White House says he made the case that the deal cuts off Iran’s pathways toward a nuclear weapon and includes strong verification protocols to make sure Iran lives up to its obligations.
The suggestion by his Republican critics that a tougher U.S. negotiating stance could have forced a complete climb-down by the Iranians was, he argued, naive wishful thinking. “Proponents of the deal have learned their lessons from the healthcare debate and understand that it’s necessary to ensure that the majority of Americans who support this deal also have their voices heard”.
“Spending time with individual members of Congress and answering their questions directly, again, I think is an indication that the president feels a personal responsibility to engage with members of Congress who are keeping an open mind”, he said. But what was really animating their decision was, contrary to their promises, a belief that any deal at any price was better than none at all.
This is an important admission that proves a better deal is no unicorn.
Citing almost 80 multilateral agreements Congress has either rejected or for which it has required amendments, he says, “Congress should require the administration to renegotiate certain terms of the proposed [deal] and resubmit the amended agreement to Congress”.
– No there isn’t. the word “snap back” is not in the agreement …
The agreement between the IAEA and Iran, which we’re rely relying on, no one in the U.S. government has a copy of.
The president turned the call into something of a call to arms ahead of those town halls, telling his supporters to “get loud and active” against the other side’s lobbying effort. The organization rolled out a 30-second ad airing on network and cable television nationally last week and took out a full page ad in last Thursday’s New York Times.
Ambassador Dennis Ross is a long-time U.S. Middle East negotiator and author of the forthcoming Doomed to Succeed: The US-Israeli relationship from Truman to Obama.