Obama was angrier with me than with the shooter
Obama fought back saying that his reluctance to use the label has nothing to do with political correctness, and everything to do with the U.S.’s efforts to fight extremist groups.
Trump, in a statement emailed to the Associated Press, responded that Obama “continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies, and for that matter, the American people”. “Let’s see how much she uses it”, he said.
“We don’t need conspiracy theories and pathological self-congratulations”, Clinton said. “Trump, as usual, is obsessed with name-calling”, she said. House Speaker Paul Ryan directly criticized Trump’s proposed Muslim ban, saying it is not “in our country’s interest”.
In none of these comments did Trump clearly tie Obama to the Orlando shooting or terrorism in general, nor did he say outright that Obama has terrorist sympathies.
“I think Mr. Trump speaks for Mr. Trump”. But he said religious freedom was fundamental to the US’s history and said having a “religious test” for immigration would be against the constitution. “Are we going to start treating all Muslim Americans differently” than other citizens? he asked.
“We now have proposals from the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States to bar all Muslims from emigrating to America”, O ba ma said after a meeting of his national security council on Tuesday.
“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anyone understands”. Mr Obama said, before going on: “Do Republican officials actually agree with this?”. We have to stop them, and we will. So if Donald suggests I won’t call this threat what it is, he hasn’t been listening. And then on the issues, on our own rights, Donald Trump has said that he would put judges on the Supreme Court that would reverse marriage equality, that he would rescind President Obama’s executive orders.
Such an outrageous charge was not supported by anything in reporter Jenna Johnson’s story, and the Post quickly softened the misleading headline to read, “Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting”.
“I think there’s an element of victim blaming – by calling it radical Islam and facing the problem, we may promote further attacks”, she said.
“The president did say “radical Christian” when he was describing that shooting”, Kilmeade interjected.
“I watched President Obama today and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter”, Trump said.
Trump on Tuesday met at Trump Tower in NY with a host of Republican governors, including Oklahoma’s Mary Fallin, who a source close to the campaign said was also on Trump’s short list to be his vice presidential running mate.
Trump said there were thousands of people living in the United States “sick with hate” and capable of carrying out the same sort of massacre.