Obamacare critic to overhaul healthcare
In January, following his likely confirmation by a Republican-controlled Senate, Price’s plan may garner more attention as he leads the Trump administration’s charge to repeal Obamacare and transform Medicare into a voucher program.
The American Medical Association praised Price’s nomination, urging Congress to confirm him as HHS Secretary.
Price was an early supporter of Trump’s presidential campaign and his vow to replace Obamacare.
Price said changes should be “based on sensible rules to protect the well-being of the country while embracing its innovative spirit”.
Price, a former orthopedic surgeon who chairs the House Budget Committee, has not merely been a strident critic of the ACA: He’s also authored a 242-page bill to replace it, which Sarah Kliff has explored in some detail at Vox.
The 2010 Obamacare law, aimed at expanding health insurance coverage to millions more Americans, triggered a long and bitter fight between the White House and congressional Republicans, who said it created unwarranted government intervention in personal healthcare and private industry. In return for significant choice in their health coverage and enhanced benefits, the plan required numerous state’s poorest residents to contribute a few dollars into health savings accounts, then purchase their own insurance with help from the state. “He has been an advocate for utilizing health IT to improve health outcomes for patients, while decreasing unnecessary burden on providers”.
“Sen. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, said Price has proven to be far out of the mainstream of what Americans want” for health care programs and services for seniors, the disabled and women.
The 242 page plan that Price has developed, called the Empowering Patients First Act, “provides significantly less help to those with preexisting conditions than other Republican proposals”, Vox notes.
Dr. Sandra R. Hernandez, president and chief executive of the California Health Care Foundation, said she hopes Tom Price would keep the focus on patient care.
McDonough says MA could never have launched the state’s health coverage law without major federal funding and support.
All Price needs to do, said a top Republican who asked not to be named, is to say he’ll support his boss on Medicare, and that should defuse any controversy.
“As secretary of HHS, Price will be in the somewhat awkward position of overseeing the ACA, which is still on the books, at the same time that he tries to dismantle it”, Levitt said.
The selections came as Trump spent Tuesday with advisers in his Manhattan skyscraper, racing through meetings with prospective administration hires as high-profile vacancies loom none bigger than secretary of State.
Following this nomination, the Senate must confirm Price prior to him assuming this role. Murphy said the nomination is “the first test” of the fate of Medicare and Obamacare in Congress. He summoned former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to NY for dinner Tuesday night to discuss the post for a second time.