Ohioan weighs VP Green Party run
Too bad Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party nominee whose “interesting” comments about Wi-Fi briefly went viral on Monday, can’t seem to catch a break.
Hansen said the group had some trouble getting signatures from members of recognized parties. Stein picked up a massive amount of support after Bernie Sanders ended his campaign.
There are exceptions, such as Ross Perot, running as an independent in 1992, who got 19 percent of the vote-probably electing Bill Clinton over George H.W. Bush-though at one point Perot was leading both the Democrat and Republican. He had also been an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.
Stein, who also the 2012 Green nominee, dominated the Green Party primaries, which ended with the MI and Florida contests on Sunday. Not only does Jill Stein not accept money from corporations or super PACs, she helped campaign for the Clean Elections campaign finance reform law in MA a law that was overturned later by Democrats. “Trump was created by the politics of the Clintons”, she said then. Once the petition was mailed, party secretary Holly Hart wrote to volunteers, “Thanks to petitioners throughout the state, who collected several hundred more signatures over the requirement to place her on the ballot”. But this year was different. To test this theory, we collected state vote totals for every presidential election since 1980, comparing how the closeness of a state’s vote correlated to the relative popularity of outside candidates. But the term “milestone” hinges upon what’s understood by the term “major party”. He says the party’s chances for a successful reorganization are dependent on “how many Bernie Sanders people come out and vote for us”.
The Marijuana Party submitted 9,000 signatures last month seeking recognition. “We represent citizen justice, equal opportunity, non-violence, community-based economics, feminism, respect for diversity, decentralization, grassroots democracy, personal and global responsibility… and sustainability”.
After the disappointment at the Democratic National Convention many Bernie supporters are starting to find a candidate they identify with; the Green Party’s Jill Stein.
Those who can not vote for Trump or Clinton will stay home on Election Day, turn out to vote but skip the presidential contest, or cast their votes for a third party or write-in name.
Strimple said she expects the counties to work quickly, although she didn’t have a timetable as to when they’d finish verifying results. But one of the things that all progressives are pretty united on is that Donald Trump is a disaster… She said she is considering the possibilities of a Green Party run.
After the loss, she served as second-in-command at the Ohio Democratic Party.