Oppose Sessions nomination for Attorney General
Within an hour of the announcement that Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general. A Trump spokesman noted Friday that he filed Alabama desegregation lawsuits and voted to give civil rights icon Rosa Parks a congressional award. However, other Democrats are outraged.
“The torture used during that time was beyond any legal justification, it certainly was not supported by the Constitution and the full Senate Intelligence committee was only briefed on this program hours before President (George W.) Bush made it public”, said Feinstein, who called the interrogation program “ineffective” and “brutal”.
Sessions was so disgusted by what had happened that he allowed the State of Alabama to try the case, rather than making it a federal case, because Alabama had the death penalty. With the appointment of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to serve as the 84th attorney general of the United States, the answer is easy: everything.
Lovelace, who was openly against Trump in the election, called Sessions’ comment that only bad people smoke marijuana a “stupid and ignorant position”. In tapping Sessions and Flynn, Trump is also rewarding loyalty from two of his most ardent supporters during the presidential campaign.
The marijuana industry now benefits from a legal memorandum issued by the Justice Department in 2013 that essentially adopted a policy of non-interference with marijuana-friendly state laws, so long as they don’t threaten other federal priorities, such as preventing the distribution of the drug to minors and supporting cartels. Sessions, 69, could, however, face confirmation hiccups: His last confirmation hearing, in 1986 for a federal judgeship, was derailed over allegations that he’d made racially charged remarks while USA attorney in Alabama.
Lawmakers and advocates expressed concern Friday that Sessions could sideline or undo the Obama administration’s civil rights efforts, which have included investigations of police departments for unconstitutional practices and lawsuits meant to protect the rights of transgender individuals and black voters. He then was elected to the Senate by the people of Alabama.
Humboldt County was able to implement its medical cannabis commercial rules in February after the state Legislature passed its own rules on the industry over a year ago.
What’s all the shouting about and will it stop Sessions?
But Sessions could face obstacles in his confirmation hearing, even with Republicans in control of the Senate.
“Mr. Sessions would benefit from a tutorial about what Dominican Americans contribute to the United States”. This provides Democrats with the opportunity to re-energize their base and begin to chip away at the approval of a new president.
In 1986, a bipartisan majority of the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected his nomination to a federal judgeship in the midst of charges of racial bias.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions has a long history of racist comments (which he denies) and anti-immigrant and refugee policies.
During the campaign, Trump suggested that he would push to change laws that prohibit waterboarding and other harsh techniques, saying that banning them puts the U.S.at a strategic disadvantage against Islamic State militants. Obvious targets are moderate Sen.
Many activists around the nation cheered when news broke that 2016 had seen the affirmation of #marijuana politics at the state level in a profoundly way.
“This is reactionary”, says Joanne Lin, legislative counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union. Figures echoed Hebert’s claims, saying he too had heard Sessions call various civil rights organizations, including the National Council of Churches and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, “un-American”. The primary hold-up, to this point, has been his past statements on the KKK and his positions on the civil rights movement.
More recently, he criticized the finding by FBI Director James Comey that Hillary Clinton had committed no crime in her use of a private email server while secretary of state. In all likelihood Sessions will be confirmed on close to a party-line vote; the question is how big a toll it will take on an administration barely getting its feet wet.